
湖南招大引强 促开放型经济发展

来源:红网综合 作者:张焕勤 编辑:洪政 2018-05-05 08:35:42

  Hunan introduces leading enterprises and major projects to promote open economy


  Hunan Provincial Government has published sixteen policies and measures to promote the development of open economy recently. One of key measures is to support introduction of leading enterprises and major projects, especially top 500 domestic and foreign enterprises and projects with great amount of investment, high content of technology, strong driving force of transformation and upgrading, etc.


  For the first quarter of 2018, Hunan’s investment promotion has progressed smoothly. Hunan province introduces 24 projects of top 500 enterprises, with the investment of 74.94 billion yuan.

伟创力长沙智能制造产业园项目 (Flextronics Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park settled in Changsha):总投资50亿元,落户望城经开区,于2018年4月开工,成为我省产业项目“招大引强”的典范。(效果图)

杉杉能源年产10万吨锂电动力电池材料生产基地项目 (Shanshan Energy Lithium-ion Power Battery Material Production Base with annual output of 100,000 tons settled in Changsha):总投资200亿,落户长沙高新区,于2018年2月开工,必将对长沙智能制造发展提供新的动力。

世界500强西门子工业软件4.0中国唯一创新研发中心 (Siemens PLM Software 4.0 Innovation and R&D Center settled in Changsha):落户长沙,为湖南智能制造装上大功率“引擎”。

中兴通讯终端产业项目 (ZTE Terminal Industrial Project settled in Changsha):落户长沙高新区,将打造中兴通讯终端(中国)运营管理、销售结算的总部基地,将打造湖南智能制造的引领性项目。

大唐西市张家界丝绸之路国际旅游文化产业园项目 (Tang West Market Silk Roads International Tourism Culture Industrial Park settled in Zhangjiajie):总投资350亿人民币,将打造国际精品旅游。

吉利新能源跨界车项目 (Geely New Energy Crossover Vehicle Project settled in Xiangtan):总投资40亿元,落户湘潭经开区,将在吉利湘潭基地现有30万台整车产能基础上新增新能源跨界车生产平台。

湖南湘江新区引大育强,打造互联网产业2.0版 (Hunan Xiangjiang New Area to introduce headquarters and second headquarters of the internet and unicorn enterprises):四月,2018互联网岳麓峰会“春天的邀约”热议未消,湘江新区就召开了引大育强打造互联网产业2.0版启动会。瞄准移动应用、平台软件、移动终端、芯片、协议算法、网络基础、人工智能、智能网联汽车等产业领域,锁定目标企业,制定专项政策,实施多重奖励,精准扶培“一企一策”,力争引进互联网和独角兽企业总部(第二总部)落户。

56个海外优质项目引入长沙 (56 overseas high-grade projects introduced in Changsha):4月25日,作为首批长沙市海外引才联络站,大纽约地区清华校友会携56个优质项目与长沙市各园区及企业进行对接。

  编译:张焕勤 据红网报道综合整理







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